Subscriptions Etc.

Unfortunately, we have to charge Subscriptions to keep us afloat!

Our Subscriptions are currently £240.00 per year. This is collected in two instalments – one in September and one in March.

Depending upon the time of year that membership us taken up, the Subscription rate may be pro-rata to the full amount.

In addition, we have a ‘one-off’ joining fee of £60.00.

Junior Members (min age 14 yrs up to 18th birthday) pay half subs, i.e. £120 per year and the joining fee is waived.

Subscriptions include membership of the Club, membership of Three Bridges Cricket Club (whose premises we use every week for lectures and social meetings), all practical training and entry to the K2 swimming pool for our weekly meetings.

There is no charge or any tuition that we give in the swimming pool or lecture room. However, students do have to purchase, through the Club, an SDI training pack. For the Open Water Scuba Diver qualification, this includes an ‘access code’ for the ‘e-learning’ part of the curriculum and registration upon completion of the training. The cost of this is around £180.00.

Please enquire for costs relating to further qualification levels.

Beginners will be expected to pay for air used during their training as appropriate.

Other charges levied are those for using the boat. These charges go towards the cost of fuel, maintenance and repairs and are as follows:

  • Zone A (around 3 miles, covers Brighton Reef) £15.00
  • Zone B (up to 20 miles) £35.00
  • Beyond 20 miles, by negotiation.

By the way, Zone A is usually one dive, Zone B will usually comprise 2 dives.

NB Subscription rates and boat charges can vary periodically. It’s best to check with a club official to confirm the current costs.